Design of NEUE HERBOLD Guillotine Shears
The special features include the rigid welded frame of the guillotine shears. The separation is effected by cutting pressure. The knife is mounted in a massive two-sided guide gap and moved by two oversized hydraulic cylinders against a stator.
A complete separation of the material portion is guaranteed by the precise adjustable stops of the splitting blade, this allows optimal and cost-effective pre-portioning. By setting of the hydraulic the cutting-force can be adapted to the material to be processed. Optionally, the material portion can be chosen via a hydraulically controlled stop.
Applications of NEUE HERBOLD Guillotine Shears
The NEUE HERBOLD Guillotine Shears are specifically designed for the processing of special wastes such as fiber-bales, tapes, fishing nets, innerconnected adhesive films as well as large chunks or even rubber bales.
The guillotine shears are used to:
- Pre-portioning of multifilament fibers from bales
- Pre-portioning of bales of tapes
- Pre-portioning of each adhesive films
- Pre-portioning of large clumps
- Pre-portioning of bales of rubber etc.
Advantages of NEUE HERBOLD Guillotine Shears
The welded frame construction offers as opposed to a bolted frame construction the particular advantage of its rigidity and thus completely maintenance free.
The enclosed sides ensures optimum safety without hindering accessibility to for maintenance.
Other benefits include:
- precise adjustment of the vertical knife
- double sided frame construction
- vertical knife complete enclosed for safety
- fully adjustable stroke, knife speed and cutting pressure
- double sided knife channel
- two cylinder operation to insure true knife operation
Technical overview / Performance data
Product video
Example: Crushing of fishing nets