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Recycling PET Pressed Bottles – Washing Plant

Washing PlantInitial requirements for the installation of a recycling system for PET Pressed Bottles are the detailed characteristics of the application: Defining the amount of contamination in the applicable material and the final usage of the finished product. Based on these specifications we would be in a position to engineer and manufacture a complete modular system for the application.

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WaschanlageTaylor made washing lines for wet recycling of plastics consisting of cutting units / wash units / separation units / drying units)

NEUE HERBOLD Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH, located in Sinsheim/Germany manufactures and sells complete washing lines for the recycling of plastics waste. Prior to re-pelletizing the plastic waste must be size reduced, washed and if necessary foreign materials separated.

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Intensive Cleaner IW

Intensive Cleaner IW 1000NEUE HERBOLD – Intensive Cleaner IW Series

The NEUE HERBOLD – Intensive Washer type  IW is  used for cleaning of material,  primarily for film flakes, granulat from PET bottles and other rigid types of  plastics. 

The material  – if cut with a wet granulator –  is extremely wet and fed into the upper hopper, which is located on the edge of the dryer housing.  An additional nozzle for spraying-in additional water is available as an option.  

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Granulator SX

Granulator SX 800 / 1200NEUE HERBOLD SX series granulators are specially designed for extremely high output applications.

When utilizing a 800 mm (32 in.) rotor diameter in conjunction with a 2000 mm (79 in.) rotor width and 315 kw (425 hp) drive motor depending on the specific screen size through put rates of 15,000 kgs/h (33,000 lbs/h) can be achieved.

SX series granulators are designed with rotor and stator knives that are “V“ or chevron formed counter angled to each other producing a true scissors type cutting action.

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Friction Washer

Friction Washer FW 560/3000The NEUE HERBOLD friction washer FW Series is used to intensively wash plastic materials such as film flakes, granulate to include PET bottle flake and other types of rigid plastics.

The friction washers are mounted on an inclined frame. The material enters at the lower end of the washer with vertical in-feed. The special angular flights in conjunction with the high rpm of the shaft transport the material in an inclined direction toward the top of the unit and simultaneously executes the washing phase.

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